Yeap my life has been pretty busy the last couple of weeks. Working my notice plus my other job, I was literally working two jobs. I worked 7 days this week, did not stop, but I'm glad to say I no longer work at my child care job anymore, my last day was on Friday. It was really sad leaving all the kids, I'll miss them all. I took pictures of all of them so at least I'll have the memories of them. I am glad I left the company though the place wasn't all that great. But if I ever need the money I can always go back as a sub teacher, which I might do for the cash.
I worked at my new job at the weekend, and I work again today, so far the place is really good, I get a long with everyone really well. Alot more people my age there going through college and such. We are decorating for Halloween this week so it's really exciting, I'm having a real fun time there.
It'll be nice to have a little more free time on my hands, yesterday I cleaned the cottage as the housework has been neglected a bit. I'll bet you next week I'll be bored again and want to go back out to work full time, but at least this free time thing isn't for long, just until the new year when we go back to school.
Only another 8wks and we'll be flying to London, looking forward to it.
Oh Joy wanted to know about Stacie, things are going okay for her. I haven't talked to her that much ether she's never online anymore. I talked to her about 3wks ago; she seems to be taking a break from the blogging world. She finished her job that she was working at, because she was missing being with Savannah, she started her own eBay business, "Belles & Beaus Boutique" So she now works from home, which she's enjoying. Alex got his work permit through, so he is now looking for a job. They both haven't heard anything About their Adjustment of Status interview yet. I'll let Stacie know she has everyone asking about her.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Sunday, October 16, 2005
I started my new job today, it went pretty well. Everyone was very friendly and a lot were my own age so it was nice to make some friends. I think I'm going to enjoy this a lot better than where I'm working now, I'm looking forward to my last day on Friday. I can't stand the gossiping and bitch fights that go on behind the scenes. At least this place is a lot more friendly and a lot more flexible too.
I'm on the second process of getting my financial Aid processed, there's a lot of paper work to fill out. But at least it'll be worth it, when I have the money to pay for school. I'm looking for a Laptop for school, I'm trying to get a fairly decent priced one, I really can't afford to spend too much money on one. But I do think it would come in handy.
I can't believe it's less than 2mths to go before we leave for Wales, I really can't wait I'm looking forward to seeming my family.
Other than that, not a whole lot has been going on, better go and finish my laundry. Only 5 Days to go, and then I'll be free from that miserable place, I will miss my kids that I've been looking after though. I've really gotten attached to some of them, I think I might take my Camera in this week to take a few pictures of them.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Maybe I over reacted, I talked to Clayton's uncle tonight about what was said, and he thinks I took it the wrong way, he didn't think it was personal as my name wasn't mentioned, and the rule would apply to any women he'd married, as that money was set aside just for him. Clayton talked to his dad and he apologized if that was the way it sounded, but he didn't mean it that way. Clayton's uncle offered that I could use some of the other money that was set aside for family things. But I didn't want to use it, if Clayton's parents had a problem with it. And apparently they don't.
I don't know how to take things, I feel very conflicted about the issue. In some ways I feel a bit embarrassed, especially if this wasn't meant to sound that way at all. I guess we'll play it by here and see what happens, I'll use the money I get from financial aid to help in college as I don't want to cause any problems.
Thanks for the comments on the issue, it's nice just to write what your feeling down. As I was telling my mum today, I had no one to talk to about the issue other than Clayton, all my family were sleeping six thousand miles away. So it was nice to write what I felt.
Monday, October 10, 2005
Do you ever have those day's where you've been on a high all day and you know where you life is heading and your looking forward to your future. But then someone says something that knocks you right back down into the ground. Well that's been my day, the day started off great I had my second Interview and I got the Job I was really thrilled. I handed in my resignation at the place I work in now, and finish a week Friday. I start my other job for training this Sunday. Everything was looking up for us, going back to school and everything.
Clayton phones his parents to tell them I got the job, he also mentions that when we go back to School if I could use some of his College Education money to go back also, the reply came back as "Well we'd been thinking about that and the money was for you not for who ever you married" Now does that sound like a comment where they are accepting me into their family? or does that sound like a comment where it makes me out to be some money hungry wife?? It wasn't as though we were asking for it all, I can understand if they wouldn't give me any of it, as it was Clayton's money. But I didn't expect a comment like that! Let's just hope financial aid will cover most of my College costs.
I've never felt so unwelcome in a family in all my life. I've always gotten a long with my friends families back home, always fitted in without a problem. I really don't know what the problem is, but the more these comments come up the more I think why should we stay in the US when we have no family that even cares or supports us in what we do. At least back in Wales we have a big family who cares and loves us, and will do anything to help us with our futures.
Sunday, October 09, 2005
My Interview went really well on Wednesday, I hadn't heard anything by the end of the week and I was getting really annoyed so I went to check in on Friday afternoon after work to see what was going on. The lady said "Oh well we hired someone a couple of days ago" My heart sank, as I really thought I had a good chance at getting the position, I was crushed that they'd given me faulse hopes. I thought I'd call the boss of the place just to make sure, I got a call back on Saturday and he's giving me another interview tomorrow at noon. So there's still a good chance I can get the position.
Last night we went to my in-laws for a BBQ, the night went alright. I think I'm finally starting to be apart of the family, it's taken a long time but things are starting to get a bit better. Everyone mentioned we should have a family meal more often just to start getting to know each other a bit more. I don't mind getting to know the family more, just as long as there's no criticism towards Clayton and I and our actions and decisions in our life.
I'm looking for a Laptop for School at the moment we need a good one to go back. I think I might wait until the day after Thanksgiving as apparently that's a super sale day here in the USA.
I'm so looking forward to going back to Wales for Christmas, my sister has arranged a Clubbing night out for us sisters. We'll be going on a double decker party bus with all the drink we can drink, and then tickets to a couple of night clubs, and a Limo home. Looking forward to partying Welsh style.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Well I've decided I'm going to go for it, I'm going to go back to College. I've applied to the local Community College, and I've been accepted. Which means I'm looking for a part time job, and I think I've found the perfect one. A couple of weeks ago I found a PT Job going at a place called "Tube Time" it's like a Jungle gym for kids. I forgot to apply for it, and on Monday I remembered so I called the place and they said they had about 80 applicants already, but your okay to drop off a resume. I gave my resume to the man there, and thought I very much doubt I'd get a call back. Tonight I get home and the man had left a message wanting me to come in for an Interview, I just got off the phone with the him and he was so nice. Funny he even said I was over qualified for the position, I had a feeling most of the 80 applicants didn't have day care experience. The man said that most of the girls who work there are students, and they are really flexible with like finals and stuff. Anyways I have an interview tomorrow at noon on my lunch hour so wish me luck. The only thing I'm worried about is saying that I have tickets for the UK in December I hope they are okay about that.
Hmm I hope I'm making the right decision in leaving a full time job to go back to school. I know I'll be working towards a better future for us, but am I giving up a good thing. On the other hand the job I'm doing now isn't all that it's cracked up to be, and it's not even good pay. I just hope I'm doing the right thing.