The finger is now a lot better, still a little sore but well on the way to recovery. Thanks for all the well wishes, really helped my poor little finger.
The job hunt is going okay, send my resume to a number of places. Called most of the mall, and came up with 3 stores that are hiring, going to send my application and resume there shortly. That's all I've been doing this morning is printing out my resumes. Clayton hasn't heard back from the job he had an Interview at, looks like he didn't get it. He's going to call them to find out why, as then at least he'll know.
Tomorrow I'm going to a Temp agency, to see if I can get something there. Something has to come up sooner or later, I'd prefer sooner though.
Oh a little bit of good news, Clayton just got a call from his Real Estate clients. Looks like they are all set to look for a house. Yey so things are looking good there, he'll be able to sell a house in the next month or two.