Aaah guess what my mother did for me, she put me in the local paper "The South Wales Guardian" I scanned the piece, lookie
I knew they'd do something like that, lol thanks mum & everyone! I'll miss you all too.
Sounds like everyone loved the idea of my new hairstyle, so I'm going to go for that tomorrow. My hair appointment is at 2pm. I'll take a pic for all to see :) can't wait I need a change.
Oh and unfortunately Clayton got 69.4% on his test and he needed 70% to pass. I can't believe they wouldn't give him the extra point, that's so not fair. He has to re take it again next week, third time lucky I guess. I'm sure you'll get it next time, you've studied so hard for it.
In other news my friend Catherine got her work visa today at the London Embassy, she'll be flying out too Orlando Florida 2wks after me. She's working in Disney World in one of the gift shops, and she'll be out there for 3mths. She's going with her college so it's all arranged.