Monday, March 07, 2005

Hi everyone, I'm back. Our computer had some problems our hard drive went, luckily I backed up a lot of my information and pictures. So we took it to be repaired, and we also put some upgrades on it like more memory and XP instead of ME. Clayton's parents paid for the upgrades, as well as a new printer as we were still having problems with our Lexmarks. We bought a lovely HP Printer. Which is working like a dream.

On Sunday Clayton and I went to Seattle for the Saint Davids Day concert, it was really good. I really enjoyed listening to the Seattle Welsh Choir, they sang many Welsh hymns. I also met many other Welsh people, a lot of them emigrated many years ago, but thier accent is so strong. I got a little homesick by all of the Welsh accents and the traditions. After the concert there was a Welsh tea, along with a craft stall and Raffle. I spend the afternoon taking pictures, as I'm now in charge of the Website, so I'm going to be putting many of the pictures up on their site.

But here's a little pic of me dressed up for the day...

Welsh Costume Posted by Hello

After we left, Clayton and I decided to go on a hunt for a local British store. We tried to find it before, but didn't have much luck, this time we did. It's called 'The British Pantry' and is the best British store I've come across since being here. Their restaurant is like a British style pub, which is really cool, we stopped for some dinner, and then headed home.

Last Tuesday we finally had our Car back, it's all fixed up quite nice. I was a bit sad to let go of our nice rental car, we had a lovely Buick Lesabre. I think we are going to save up for a new car for the future. Below is a picture of our rental car we had...

Rental Car Posted by Hello

On a last note, I got a job!! The lady from Curves. called me today, and offered me the job. How great is that, I start tomorrow at 9am to train. This is a great confidence booster for me, as I'll be more focused to lose the weight. This is such a perfect job for me.