Tuesday, December 09, 2003

I just wanted to show off what Pam my friend made, she also made this from the tutorials I found online. She even watermarked him and made him sparkle, I also think it's a good idea to watermark your graphics and work. That way you won't be accused like I have! At least this states that you made him. I'm also seriously thinking of applying for an actual copyright certificate at the Library of Congress Copyright Office. This will protect me and my website from people who have nothing else better to do than to point the finger. I've phoned alot of places and enquired about that today. So my website and it's contents should be fully protected by the end of the year!

Back to the bear, I want to leave credit for the person who actually started the tutorial in the first place, I'm very careful of this these days. Bear Tutorial from Kristina If you'd like to make a Christmas bear follow the tutorial and email me I'll post it on my blog for all to see. Happy holidays everyone.