Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Aww look what I had in my mail box, ooh I'm getting all these cards lol.

Not much happening really, work was alright they wanted me to work Sunday but I said no. It's funny the work is having like a fancy dress party at a local pub. And no one has put their names down for the Sunday shift cause they all know they'll have hang overs lol, me being one of them hehehe. Haven't decided whether I'm going out yet though we'll see.

We've been putting our Christmas decorations up, I wanted to start decorating the tree but mum and dad haven't decided where it's going to go. You know they have this discussion every year, and they still put it in the same place every time. Ever since I've been born it's been in the same spot in the living room lol. And I'll bet ya, it'll go in the same spot this year lol.

Haven't talked to Clayton much today he phoned me quick earlier, to tell me his monitor for his pc died, so he had to go out and get a new one. He's back now and we're just about to play some yahoo pool.